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Hey, Friend!

Are you ready to start thriving?

Do you wake up early in the morning feeling sluggish, you need coffee ASAP, you skip breakfast, and rush out the door to get to your next appointment, your next audition, or your next shift at work, but you barely have enough energy to get you through the entire day?

Or maybe you are trying your best to eat healthy, but you are still suffering from bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, acne, eczema, etc. etc. etc. And you’ve just been told that that’s “normal.”

I’m here to tell you that you can enter every single day with boundless energy. I’m here to tell you that your symptoms do not have to be your “normal.”

Symptoms are your body’s way of communicating with you - telling you that it’s out of balance. So, imagine a personalized approach to health and wellness. One where you’ll be thriving, not declining.

Are you ready to thrive?

“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”

- Hippocrates

  • Let's Hang Out!

    We’ll meet for a 30 minute chat where we’ll get to know each other. You’ll learn about my background and experience and I’ll learn about you and your goals. Plus, you’ll get to experience my coaching style and how I can support you. You’ll walk away having a clearer idea of next steps to support your goals.

  • Nutritional Therapy

    Tired of low energy? Tired of feeling bloated? Are you tired of going to the grocery store and feeling overwhelmed by all of the options. Don’t worry, I’ve been there, and you’re in the right place. Welcome to my Nutritional Therapy Package, where I help you with your relationship with food so you can live a thriving life.

  • 'Stay on Track' Coaching

    You are on your way to achieving your goals and your seeing the results— you just don’t quite trust yourself to stay on track if left on your own. Let me be your accountability buddy that you need. I’ll help your continued education on a healthy diet, we’ll see those goals through, and I’ll help you stay motivated.

Meet Your Coach!

Collin Sanderson, NTP

To some, I’m That Nutrition Guy, Mr. Courteous, or Health and Fitness Enthusiast. To my friends, I’m “Sarcasm is still really hard… but I’m working on it.” I’m simply a guy who loves nutrition and wellness and sharing that love and knowledge with my community.

Follow Me on Social Media!
